Join a Committee

Join a Landcare Committee: Make a Difference in Your Community!

Our Landcare groups are driven by you—our community! By joining a Landcare committee or board, you can help turn ideas into actions and steer the direction of our initiatives.

Think of the committee as the crew steering the ship and guiding our group’s journey. As a committee member, you'll play a crucial role in ensuring our group thrives. While the responsibilities are important, they’re also a chance to make a real impact.

Our regional steering committee meets once a month, and our annual general meeting (AGM) will be held between September- November, TBA.

Roles and Responsibilities in Our Landcare Committee

  • The President leads the committee and chairs meetings, acting as an ambassador for the group at public events and with stakeholders. An effective President facilitates collective decision-making, ensuring all voices are heard. They bring diverse perspectives to the table, synthesise information, and find opportunities to let others shine.

  • The Secretary is the guardian of governance, overseeing meetings, keeping formal records of minutes, correspondence, and legal documents. They manage registrations, reporting to regulators, and insurance. A fabulous Secretary is super organized, systematic, and an excellent communicator.

  • The Treasurer oversees all financial aspects of the organisation, managing finances, and communicating financial matters in an understandable way. They must maintain high ethical standards and possess great analytical skills. While other committee members don’t need to know all financial details, it’s crucial they ensure the group is solvent and operating legally. A confident Treasurer welcomes questions asked in good faith.

  • General committee members take on additional tasks such as welcoming new members, managing safety, fundraising, or assisting with office bearer responsibilities. They are vital to smooth operations and collective decision-making for the group.

Key Responsibilities of Committee Members

    • Oversee the activities, operations, and performance of the organization.

    • Ensure projects and activities align with the group’s vision and purpose statement.

    • Engage and inform members, staff, and volunteers.

    • Uphold the group’s rules as detailed in the governing document.

    • Attend committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM), or send apologies in advance for absences.

    • Consider, discuss, and vote on issues in the group’s best interests.

    • Ensure projects and activities adhere to procedures and policies.

    • Manage legal, safety, and risk protocols, and ensure adequate insurance coverage.

    • Inform the committee of any real, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest, and step aside from decision-making as required by law.

    • Conduct business considerately, without ill feelings, bias, or animosity.

    • Handle conflicts promptly and respectfully, aiming to find common ground.

    • Ensure the right people are in the right roles and plan for succession.

    • Welcome and induct new members so they understand the organization and its activities.

    • Secure funding for activities and adhere to funding requirements, including reporting to donors or funding bodies.

By joining our Landcare committee, you’ll play a crucial role in guiding our group’s efforts and making a real impact in our community. We welcome your ideas, skills, and enthusiasm to help us grow and thrive.

This initiative is made possible by the NSW Landcare Enabling
Program. A collaboration of Local Land Services and Landcare
NSW, supported by the NSW Government.